Tuesday 4 September 2012

Yellow Belt Karate Exam


In zenkutsu dachi (weight to the front leg position)

4 steps forward, jodan tsuki (punch face level) / 4 steps backward age uke (high defence) + counter in the last step (punch)

4 steps forward, oi tsuki (punch stomach level) / 4 steps backward soto uke (mid defence from outside) + counter in the last step (punch) 

4 steps forward, oi tsuki (punch stomach level) / 4 steps backward uchi uke (mid defence from inside) + counter in the last step (punch) 

4 steps forward, mae keri (front kick) / 4 steps backward gedan barai (low defence) + counter in the last step (punch) 

In kokutsu dachi (weight in the back leg position)

4 steps forward, shuto uchi (open hand attack) / 4 steps backward shuto uke (open hand attack)


-Heian shodan + Taikyoku Shodan


2 bunkai (explanation of kata movements) based on Heian Shodan.

Monday 3 September 2012

Human weapon - karate documentary

Human weapon is a series of documentaries about martial arts from the History Channel. Here you have the chapter about karate, with great masters from different styles like Goju ryu and Uechi ryu.

Heian Nidan, second kata

Heian Nidan is the second kata we´re going to learn. Here you have a couple of outstanding examples of this kata.

Of course we are going to practice the kata through its bunkai, here you have one of this kata practical interpretations

Heian Shodan

The kata "Heian Shodan" is the yellow belt exam kata. Here you have a very good and clear video of the kata by sensei Kanazawa.

This other video contains some explanations and applications (bunkai) of the kata Heian Shodan, and more free self-defence applications. For the exam you have to do two kata applications (bunkai)